Construction & Repair

Our repair side has qualified project managers that have been in the industry for over 10 years. During your disaster, one of these project managers will be assigned to handle the rebuilding of your claim. Our project managers will be working with you throughout the entire process from start to finish and will help you with the budget, design and scheduling. Our only goal is to leave you with a smile on your face!

Alliance Restoration is a general contractor licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and serves customers throughout southern New England. We can engage in any type of repair from small claims like a simple drywall patch and paint to complex carpentry work to the reconstruction of entire homes. We pay attention to every detail and competitive pricing! We want to come into your mess and leave you with happiness!

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During the rebuild of a kitchen, it is important that we satisfy every request that you will have and try to fit it within the budget created. Our project managers will work with you to ease your nerves. The project managers work directly with you and their resources to determine your new kitchen countertops and cabinetry!

Alliance Restoration has the ability to restore your bathroom to the same conditions prior to the claim or restructure the blueprints to your preference.

Arguably the most difficult decision when repairing your residence or commercial building is the floor plan. Alliance Restoration installing the floor is the easiest! Our company has experience installing all types of floors such as: Tiles Vinyl, Carpet, and Hardwood

General Repairs:
Alliance Restoration can install drywall of any size. Our licensed, skilled, and experienced laborers will take on any type of installation with a smile on their face! Our mission is excellence and our aim is to differentiate ourselves from our competitors by providing superior workmanship and customer service.

Contact us

Discover your nearby Alliance Restoration today, transforming uncertainty into confidence.